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Yoga avec Charlotte

Ashtanga - Vinyasa / Pré & Post Natal /Yoga Fit /Danse / Arts du mouvement

Hello and welcome to my website !

I'm Charlotte and here are a few lines to get to know me.


Yoga came to me about fifteen years ago when I began my career as professional dancer in Paris in the musical “Mozart l’Opéra Rock”.

First as a warm-up then in my daily life, yoga has taken an increasingly important place in my life.

Over time I observed big changes and quickly became passionate about it. 


During my tours around the world I had the chance to discover many forms of Yoga, to practice with many teachers and all these travels have inspired my practice today. 


I lived for two years in Macau in one of the biggest aquatic shows in the world "The House of Dancing Water". With a frantic pace of 10 shows per week, my body needed a lot of rigor and yoga played an important role. I was lucky to never get injured. 
Then I trained to become Aerial Acrobat and in 2016 I was chosen to be part of the creation of the Cirque du Soleil "Volta".


I toured for three years with this show and became an Artist Coach. That's where I started giving Yoga classes to other artists before and after shows.

The number of performances was still intense but I found time to create my own choreographies and aerial acts outside of work.  With my hyper-active side, I needed Yoga to help me channel my energy. 

Until the day when a tragic event happened on Stage and changed me forever... A few months later I felt the need to take a break and I followed my intuition.

I left to Bali to do my YTT 200hrs in Ashtanga Yoga - Vinyasa. 

This rich and unique experience opened the doors of transmission to me and made me want to share my knowledge and experience. 

I found the desire to get back on stage in different productions while teaching Yoga in Paris. Then there was the pandemic and the sudden end  of the shows which allowed me to devote myself to teaching Yoga.

In 2021, my pregnancy was the opportunity to specialize in

Pre and Post Natal Yoga of the French Method " De Gasquet "

Experiencing my pregnancy with all these tools was a revelation and I love sharing and supporting other future and young mothers. 


I give online and in person classes, I run courses and Yoga retreats specially in HOSSEGOR where I live in South of France Life there is an exceptional setting to practice Yoga surrounded by nature and by the Ocean.


You will find my creativity and artistic side in my Flows but also in my workshops like the  “  Yog’Art » A fusion between Yoga and Dance to bring awareness and letting go in the body with the movement .


My programs  are for all levels and everybody. 

In private or group classes ,I adapt my classes based on my students and their needs.


I created online programs to allow you to follow my courses and progress at your own pace.


The great strength of Yoga is to help us feel more connected with who we really are, to appreciate the present moment and to take a moment just for ourselves...

No matter the approach, the ones who starts Yoga will see great changes in his life. 

Yoga is not just physical postures

it’s a true art of living.


Pre and Post Natal Yoga It is now part of my teaching and I love to help and accompany future and young mothers in this wonderful adventure.

The De Gasquet method that I teach allows you to live a serene pregnancy by providing real solutions to the discomfort due to this change but also by offering exercises adapted to everyone.
Practicing Yoga from the start of pregnancy helps prepare to givebirth and for the postpartum recovery .

Whether it is before or after the arrival of the baby, it is a real moment of reconnection with yourself and a bubble of happiness during this period of transition in a women life. 

Cours en solo ou mini groupe



Make appointment for private lessons in person or on Zoom by email

Planning Cours

Planning des Cours en ligne

Dec 11 - Dec 17















Yoga Retreats

Join me for a unique moment of Evasion

Yoga Retreats

J'organise des retraites de Yoga exclusives

dans les Landes à Hossegor 

- Réservées à 4 participantes par sessions !


- Dans un cadre paisible entouré de nature !

- 3 Jours et 3 nuits nourris et logés


Yoga Vinyasa , Méditation Guidée, Apprentissage des techniques de respirations , Pranayama et Kriya, Cercles d'intentions, jeux .. 


- Nourriture Saine et Gourmande


- Balades à l'Océan, au bord du Lac et en forêt


- Déconnection et retour à soi


The retreats can be lead in French and English

for more informations press the button and write an email . 

Vos retours

Marion W

" Pratiquer en sécurité et avec bienveillance, je pense que c'est la devise de Charlotte. Les progrès se ressentent immédiatement à la fin de chaque cours.

Chaque pratique avec elle est un réel plaisir et l'on en redemande !!

Je recommande également ses cours privés. Charlotte est un rayon de soleil et nous donne envie de sortir de notre zone de confort.

Bref ... vivement le prochain cours avec cette belle personne <3 "

Nicolas M

" J'ai commencé les cours de Yoga avec Charlotte en début de confinement. Et c'est un épanouissement total depuis. Charlotte partage cette pratique avec soin et attention. J'ai tout de suite invité mes proches à rejoindre, un succès pour eux aussi.

Même un parent blessé suite à une chute a trouvé goût aux exercices qui lui ont permis de reprendre conscience de sensations jadis perdues. Souriante et expérimentée, elle permet de découvrir le Yoga pour tous niveaux.

Recommendation 100% validée "

Sandrine M

" Le yoga a été ma bonne résolution du confinement et le pratiquer avec Charlotte a été une vraie motivation et révélation. Charlotte a su nous faire oublier les écrans qui nous séparaient pour vraiment nous permettre de progresser, avec bienveillance lorsqu’elle corrige nos postures. "

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